Win Prize Smartlink (INTL) (Revshare) (Click to Call) (Mobile) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 36664


Conversion Flow:
Conversion fires after call is finished.
The user user will get to enjoy some nice adult stories. The user has to click on the click-2-call button and then the call will start. On 3G connects with the carrier automatically, so this will be a 1-click to convert. On WiFi the user has to choose the carrier first, so this will be a 2-click.
The payout is based on rev.share and the duration of the call, what means you will get 80% of each call.

Available Countries (listed on terms of average revenue):

Ghana, Nigeria, Jamaica, Hungary, Romania, Gabon, Russia, Cuba, Togo, Argentina, Côte d'Ivoire, Zambia, Myanmar, Kenya, Benin

Requirements: Click "Call Button" + Connect + Answer the questions + Finish the call

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Push Traffic (Recommended), Social Traffic, Pop Traffic.

Restrictions: No Fraud, No Bot

Offer information last updated on 12th Nov 24.

Offer Details
Countries Accepted
Session Lifespan1y
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