TimeShare Exit Quiz (No Weekend Drops) (US) (CPA) (Email) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 55043

Description: Many Americans are burdened with unwanted timeshares right now. Travel restrictions, health concerns, excessive mortgage and maintenance fees, and booking nightmares are just a few of the reasons why. Take this simple quiz (up to 5 questions only) and find out if you may qualify and speak to a team of professionals that have helped cancel over 15,000 timeshares

Requirements: Pixel fires upon Form Submit

You need to provide an email proof before you start running the offer. Conversions without an email proof will be rejected

Payment Terms: NET15

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Email traffic only

No Adult traffic
No Auto-subscriptions
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– Monday – Friday Only
– NO TRAFFIC ON WEEKEND (Saturday-Sunday) – Weekend leads are not payable!

Average EPC: $1.78 – $2.61

Offer Additional Terms

Approved From Lines:
Timeshare Exit Quiz

Approved Subject Lines:
Do you qualify to legally exit your timeshare?
Exit your timeshare
Burdened by a timeshare you don’t use?
Many Americans are burdened with unwanted timeshares
Can you legally exit your timeshare? Take the quiz!
Timeshare maintenance fees due just in time for the holidays?
Timeshare maintenance fees due again?
Travel wherever you like this holiday season
Stuck paying maintenance fees on your timeshare again?
Were you pressured into a rushed decision on your timeshare?
Does your timeshare feel like it was a bad deal?
Timeshare annual maintenance fees
Sick of your timeshare?
Vacation wherever you want to this {{season}}
Do you feel like you were tricked into a bad deal?
A simple way out for people who fit a select set of criteria
Answer 5 questions
Read this first before trying to get out of your Timeshare
Was your timeshare a bad deal?
Were you told that your timeshare was an "investment?"

Unsubscribe Link: https://www.inkoscareight.com/o-fssl-f22-17bfa9a3f2c961a38f8da7f341b42444

Download Suppression List: https://app.optizmo.com/access/signup

Offer information last updated on 21st Feb 25.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
CategoryHome & Property
PreviewPreview URL
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