Photovoltaic – Email, Display – CPL – SOI – FR

Offer ID: 20261111

Offer Additional Terms

Offer Terms and Conditions No incentive traffic is allowed (unless previously agreed and signed off by your Encknet Network Account Manager). Any traffic that is found to come from an incentive source that is not signed off will be rejected and the affiliate may be removed from the campaign. Fraudulent activity is taken seriously and any traffic that is deemed to be fraudulent will be terminated and result in the affiliate being removed from the campaign and potential suspension or expel from the network. All activity must be approved by an Account Manager any unapproved traffic may be rejected. All Email, Creatives Proof must be sent for approval for all offers that required proof. Conversions without proof or placement been approved will be rejected All Creatives should be sent to [email protected] with the Offer Id and inform your Account Manager. KPI: Allowed traffic: Display, Email, Search, Social Media, Native, Push traffic, SMS traffic Solar panels vertical is one of the hottest sub-verticals within white-hat lead generation, and it is wise to take advantage of the high demand. Solar panels and renewable energy in general are big trends that we see globally. At least 92.7 billion solar panels are in use throughout the world today. This is fortunate for affiliate marketers, as such popular products make for an easier lead generation and bring higher returns to those who promote them. Type of traffic - Emailing : Yes with BAT validation - Sms : Yes - Push : Yes - Native ads : Yes - Adwords : Yes - Social ads : Yes - needs to be approved - Display : Yes - needs to be approved - Site under : Yes - needs to be pre Lp-approved - Incentive traffic : No - Upsell : No - Adult traffic : No GEO France Mainland To exclude : - department 75 - Corsica - DOM/TOM Broadcast "Campaigns are active 24/7 and 7 days a week. However, leads are being fired during call center time frame from 9am to 6pm GMT+1, from Monday to Friday. Leads sent outside call center opening time are kept in stock and fired the following opened day." DO / DON'T Do not say or imply that the solar panels are free / 1€ / 100% paid by aids from the state. Do not say or imply that the client will be 100% self sufficient in energy, with no more invoices to pay. From/Subject Free From & Subject to be validated. Example : From: Panneaux Solaires Subject: Devenez indépendant en énergie! Subject 2 : Votre toit, une nouvelle source d'énergie Required Fields House Owner Less than 70 years old Worker or Retired Name / Surname / Email / Phone Number / Address / Postal Code / City RGPD Optin Invalid Fields House Renter Flat Unemployed More than 70 years old

Offer information last updated on 24th Sep 24.

Offer Details
Countries Accepted
Session LifespanUnknown
Expiration Date16th March 2025
CategoryHome & Property
PreviewPreview URL
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