Klaudena Seat Cushion (INTL) (CPS) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 54851

Description: The memory-foam seat cushion that adapts perfectly to your curves. Even expensive, ergonomic desk chairs won’t always keep you pain-free, but the nagging pain won't last – with Klaudena. Klaudena is designed specifically for people who need to sit for long periods, giving you the ergonomic support you need to avoid muscle pain

Requirements: Pixel fires after a successful purchase

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Payment Terms: NET15

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Country targeting: All countries except Canada, United Kingdom & France

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Approved From Lines: 
Klaudena Seat Cushion
Klaudena Memory Foam Seat
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Seat Cushion
Memory Foam Seat Cushion
Sit Comfortably

Approved Subject Lines:
Everything you need in a seat cushion
The Support You Need to Avoid Pain
Transform Any Chair Into An Ergonomic Chair
Discover How It Feels To Sit Comfortably
Suffer from back or hip pain?
Seat cushion that will change your life!
This seat cushion is a must-have if you sit at work
Maximum comfort at a minimum price
Poor Sitting Posture Is Causing You More Harm Than You Realize
Benefits of Klaudena seat cushion
Sit Comfortably Anywhere with Klaudena

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Offer information last updated on 12th Nov 24.

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