iPhone 15 Pro – v6

Offer ID: 1467

Offer Name:iPhone 15 Pro – v6.

Offer Type: Sweepstakes – Electronics.

Traffic Cap:50 conversions per day per source.

Target Market: Male & Female 18 – 65+.

Cost To Consumer:: €1 as first time payment.

Goals:Sale – Credit Card Submit

Payout: 1st Time Sale – $14.

Payout Terms: Monthly Net7.

Payout Important Description: The default starting payout rate is being reflected in the payout tier section only.

Device Categories:Desktop + Mobile.

Allowed GEOs: Spain

Allowed Languages: Spanish

Best Time To Send Traffic: 24/7.

Restricted Traffic Types and Segments: No classified ads, no offer wall, no co-reg, no drive-by downloads, no survey traffic, no pop traffic, no content lock traffic, no incentive or cashback traffic, no guided customers by a 3rd party or customers who are in direct contact with the traffic source or affiliate, no parked / redirect domain traffic, no bot traffic, no spamming, no ripe network coordination centre ISP traffic.

Re-bill Goal : N/A.

Conversion Dis-qualifiers: Invalid user info | Invalid order info | Fraudulent duplicated order | Invalid / Fraud credit check | Suspicious or Fraudulent User Activity.

Adv Conversion Cookie Life Span:30 days.

Email Traffic – Terms & Conditions:
You’ll need to get your account assigned under a dedicated tracking domain that we have reserved for email marketing before sending traffic to any of the offers.
(Failing to comply can lead your account to get suspended).
Your offers / Email copies will need to be approved by your assigned affiliate manager before sending traffic to the offer.
Your Email Must comply with the CAN-SPAM Act regulations and requirements.
You must add the opt-out list/suppression list provided by the Advertiser.
The address of the Brand / Company must be put in the email if the Advertiser is asked for and provided.
Using our direct link is not allowed – please use your tracking link and redirect to our link or send it through a bridge page/ prelander.

Additional Requirements: All banners and bridge pages should be approved in advance.

Fraudulent Activity: In the event that fraudulent activity has taken place, the media partner will be required to immediately identify and eliminate the fraudulent traffic source or content from the time notified (As an example, fraudulent activity shall also include, but shall not be limited to, any use of COVID -19 Pandemic / any use of public figure / celebrities / public groups or organizations without a proper and valid permission in writing to do so).

*Please always test tracking and inform us before sending traffic*

*Need additional info about this campaign?! Feel free to contact us at anytime*

Offer information last updated on 29th Aug 24.

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Countries Accepted
Session LifespanUnknown
Expiration Date
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