Invention Help (US) (CPL) (Email) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 46599

Description: Got an idea for an Invention?  We’ll help you turn your idea into a new product or an app for a smart phone

Requirements: Pixel Fires on 1st Page Submit: 4 Fields Only (First Name, Last Name, Email & Phone

You need to provide an email proof before you start running the offer. Conversions without an email proof will be rejected

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Email traffic only

• No Adult traffic
• No Bot traffic
• No Fraud
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• No Leads from Blacklisted IPs
• No Proxy or VPN
• No PCH traffic
• No Spam

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Approved Subject Lines:
Bring Your Idea to Life
Do you have an invention idea? Don't know where to start? We can help!
Make your Invention a Reality
Change The Future with Your Invention Leave Your Mark on the World -
Make your Invention a Reality Need a for a Patent for Your Idea? We
can help!
Find Top Invention Companies Now!
Inventors Wanted!
Inventions Ideas: Inventors Start Here
Have an Invention Idea? - Don't know what to do next??
Have an Invention Idea? - We Help Turn Ideas Into Products?
Let us help you with your BIG invention idea…FREE PROJECT REVIEW!
Have an invention or product idea? Free Project Review
Turn Your Idea into a Product…Get your FREE project review
Ideas & Inventions Wanted: Free Project Review
New Product Ideas Wanted…Free Project Review
Bring Your Idea to Life…Free Project Review
We challenge you to pursue your idea. FREE PROJECT REVIEW
Have an invention or product idea? Put our experience to work.
Make Today Count - Pursue Your Invention Idea
Product Ideas & Inventions Wanted…GET A FREE PROJECT REVIEW
Turn Your Idea into a Product - It's Your Moment!
Don't just think about you invention idea - make it a reality.
Invention idea? - Put our Inventing Method to Work
Your idea may become a reality - Launch it!
Don't just think about your invention idea - make it a reality.
You may qualify to realize your dream - IDS notification!
Turn Your Invention idea into a reality - IDS Advice!
Let IDS help turn your idea into a reality! Free Project review
Have an invention idea? Free Project Review
Don't wait to create your invention - let us help you now!
Let us help you with your BIG idea…FREE PROJECT REVIEW!

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Offer information last updated on 4th Jul 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
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