ILoveSamples – CPA – US – DIRECT

Offer ID: 4168

Description: On you will be able to get free samples of some of your favorite products without spending a penny!

Allowed Country(ies): United States

Allowed Media: Display, Link-out, Email Newsletters, Solo Email and Push Notifications.

All other medias require approval prior to using methods outside of these allowed, i.e – Network Syndication, Search and Social medias.

Conversion Point: First Page / Email Submit.

Suggested Target Demo: 30+ M/F. US only.

Offers are mobile optimized.

Prepop Instructions
&email = Email
&firstname = First Name
&lastname = Last Name
&address = Address
&city = City
&state = State
&zip = Zip
&phone = Phone
&month = Month
&day = Day
&year = Year
&gender = Gender

Offer information last updated on 5th Jul 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan672 hours
Expiration Date10th January 2040
PreviewPreview URL
Existing Affiliate
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