HarpRateQuiz.com (US) (CPL) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 41988

Description: World's BEST Refinance And Home Deals

Requirements: The user needs to fill in the fields and submit (SOI)

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Display, Email, Social Media

You need to provide the detailed traffic info before you start running the offer. Conversions without providing such info will be rejected.

Restrictions: No Fraud, No SMS, No SEO, NO Survey No Incent, No Coreg, No Proxy

Credit Score: Excellent or Good only
Loan Amount: 150,000 or above
LTV: 80% or less

Blocked states: AK, HI, MI, NY, OK, VT

Offer Additional Terms

Email Instructions
Unsubscribe Link: https://www.stringthreefour.com/o-dgqp-i33-198c4efd291c25a947a38e224d481d4b
Suppression Link: https://www.affiliateaccesskey.com/m-dgqp-i33-8a91112053f3a0b7c66a48d4559efbb2
Physical Opt-Out: 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, US 19106

Subject Lines:

Re: Your 2021 Refi Rates
Re: Your 2021 Mortgage Rates
2021 Mortgage Rates hit Historic Lows
Historic Low 2021 Mortgage Rates
Get record low rates for a new purchase mortgage
Get record low rates for a mortgage refinance
Save up to $3,264 a year for a Refinance
Save up to $3,264 / year for a Mortgage Refi
Refinance from our Top Tier Mortgage Partners
What type of loan are you looking for, [Fname]?
Refinance today – Mortgage rates at historic lows
Refinance today – Mortgage rates at record lows
Don’t miss your chance to refinance, [Fname]
You could save up to $3,264 / year
You could save up to $3,264 a year

From Lines:

Mortgage Purchase
Mortgage Refinance
Mortgage Loans
Mortgage Finance Options
Mortgage Solutions
Low Rates
Record Mortgage Rates
Your Mortgage
Your Loan
Harp Rate Quiz

Offer information last updated on 4th Jul 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
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