Compressa Knee Sleeve (US) (CPS) (Email) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 51828

Description: Experience maximum recovery from your knee pain with the Compressa Knee Compression Sleeve! 

Requirements: Pixel fires on the sale

You need to provide an email proof before you start running the offer. Conversions without an email proof will be rejected

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Email traffic only

No Adult traffic
No Autosuscription
No Bot traffic
No Content Locking
No Coreg
No Fraud
No iFrame
No Incent
No Proxy or VPN
No SMS traffic
No Spam

Offer Additional Terms

NO BIDDING ON THE FOLLOWING BRANDED TERMS: 1) Relevant Branded terms (e.g. Compressa, Compressa Knee Sleeve) Variations of the Branded Terms (i.e.: variations of branded terms examples (e.g. thecompressa sleeve etc.) are also NOT ALLOWED. No building branded FB pages that compete directly with the advertiser. ie - A branded FB page that uses the advertisers name No use of the advertiser’s brand name in URL (e.g. , , etc.) No GI email allowed. Only email traffic to TOP LEVEL and cable domains is allowed (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, Cox, Time Warner, etc.) NO brokering to any networks is allowed The following Media Types are NOT ALLOWED: - Co-Reg, Survey, Pop under, Branded-terms, Incentivized, Network **DO NOT SAY** - Compressa will eliminate your pain/symptoms - Compressa is certified by the attorney general etc. Placements for Display, Social, Search, Native Must Be Approved Prior To Testing Conditions: * No Incentivized, General Internet or path traffic allowed. No re-brokering of offer to third party networks. No bidding on third party branded company names or product terms. * Only approved assets may be used to promote campaigns, unless explicitly approved in advance. * Suppression files must be downloaded and used before every send. * Publisher must follow the CAN-SPAM compliance guidelines as defined by FTC. * If marketing the offer via email, publisher must use two valid opt-out mechanisms. Including one for the advertiser. * Use of deceptive from lines including friendly from and subject lines is strictly prohibited.

Offer information last updated on 21st Feb 25.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
CategoryShopping & Retail
PreviewPreview URL
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