CompareCar (US) (CPL) (Social) (RevShare) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 53100

Description: CompareCar 

Requirements:Pixel will fire on form submit

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Social

Restrictions:  No Fraud, No incent

Custom Creative Approval Required 


Offer Additional Terms

Facebook – 50 leads per day per source

Highest converting hours: 8am-8pm PST, Monday-Friday

Ages 35-54

Best states: TX, GA, OH, PA, IL, NC, MI, VA, AZ, SC, MO, TN, LA, IN, KY, AL, WA, MD, OK, CO, WI, MN, MS, AR, OR, NV, CT, IA, KS, WV, UT, NM

Strictly prohibited to use any kind of fraudulent activities, incentive and bot traffic. Advertiser reserves the right to not pay for fraudulent leads, bad lead data (such as obviously fake names combined with bad phone numbers and/or invalid email addresses) and/or restricted traffic.< Custom creatives must be sent for approval PRIOR TO USE and ANY ALTERATIONS to approved creatives must be resubmitted PRIOR TO USE, or risk nonpayment.


Offer information last updated on 10th Aug 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
CategoryAutomotive, Finance
PreviewPreview URL
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