Choose Your Education (US) (CPL) (Email) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 53747

Description: Choose Your Education

Requirements: Pixel will fire on form submit

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Email

Restrictions:  No Fraud, No incent

Custom Creative Approval Required

Offer Additional Terms

From Lines:Required for Approval

Subject Lines: Required for Approval

Suppression File URL https://fileuploadedabove

Unsubscribe URL

Mailer Access Key

Optout Link

Valid Lead Definition: The following is a list of contact form fields required for all campus locations: First Name, Last Name, Daytime Phone, E-mail Address, Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, Country, High School Graduation Year, Campus, Program of Interest and all other required information as outlined in the posting instructions.

Advertiser agrees a lead is valid if it +Meets the zip code (radius limitations) listing per location as provided by Advertiser +Lead has accurately completed all required fields in the contact form and meets campaign qualifiers provided; +Lead has expressed interest in one of the programs offered by the specific campus requested via the lead form drop down menu; +Lead has not been delivered through the Revolutionary Media system within the previous month +Lead has not been entered into the Client lead database within the past 90 days for all other lead sources. The rules for duplicate inquiries will vary by individual school clients, from campaign to campaign. + Is not a product of 'lead dumping' or 'lead spam', wherein Media Company submits an unusually high volume of leads in a very short time. + Lead is delivered in real time, or at the time the user request information. * Email traffic + others (if others Proof needed) * Time traffic : 9AM-8PM EST. Weekday and weekend.

Custom creatives must be sent for approval PRIOR TO USE and ANY ALTERATIONS to approved creatives must be resubmitted PRIOR TO USE, or risk nonpayment.

Offer information last updated on 21st Feb 25.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
CategoryEducation & Kids
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