CBD gummies (AU) (CPA) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 50030

Description: WHY ARE CBD GUMMIES SO POPULAR NOW? CBD Gummies works WITH your body to ADDRESS YOUR PAIN FROM WITHIN. With the federal ban on CBD lifted, more and more clinical studies are being conducted every day on cannabinoids (CBD). The cannabinoids found in CBD Gummies from CBD CARE are the SAME compounds that regulate mood and pain in the brain and body

Requirements: Pixel will fire when user purchases the product

Allowed Methods of Promotion:  Display, Email, SMS

Restrictions:  No Fraud, No incent

Custom Creative Required

Offer Additional Terms

All email affiliates must download and process campaign-specific suppression files before starting any live sends to this campaign. After the initial download/processing of the suppression file, this should be continued on a weekly basis whilst active traffic is being sent to the campaign. Failure to follow these terms will result in penalties and/or suspension from the network.

Mailer Access Key:https://www.affiliateaccesskey.com/m-qxrr-o35-fb5720eaa5156bebea2a0626f0eab70d

Optout Link: https://www.marstwoseven.com/o-qxrr-o35-98e6221637c6bb8052330211553ab43f


Offer information last updated on 16th Jan 25.

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CategoryHealth & Beauty, PIN Submit/SMS
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