Blank – Stripe – FR – €9.99 | MID Batch G208 (CH) (CPL) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 53219

Description: Blank – Stripe – FR – €9.99 | MID Batch G208 

Requirements: Form Submit

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Socials, Display, Native

Restrictions:  No Fraud, No incent, No push/pop/sms/mail

Custom Creative Required


Offer Additional Terms

Price Point: €9.99 Celebs are accepted. It is forbidden to deepfake. Requirements:

• source_id=PIXEL


• sub2 = click_id/transaction_id (If you want to fire S2S Postback)

• sub3=trafficsource

• sub4=product%20title



For all landing pages running on G208 MID Batch, it is essential to incorporate the following sweepstakes requirements.

1. Sweeps Details: Include the contest message just below the CTA button.

2. Footer Disclaimer: Ensure the disclaimer is added to the footer of the landing page.

3. Legal Pages: Include all necessary legal page links in the footer.

Mailer Access Key:

Optout Link:

Offer information last updated on 21st Feb 25.

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