5G Male (US) (CPL)

Offer ID: 55159

Description: 5G Male

Requirements: Pixel will fire on Product Sale

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Email, Display, Native, Push, Social Traffic Allowed

Restrictions: No Incent


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From Lines

5G Male

Subject Lines

Email #1 - Ancient Vietnamese secret to getting rock hard

Preview Text: how to naturally get hard, and stay hard for as long as you want.

Email #2 - World's Oldest Pornstar reveals his "hard-on" secret...
Preview Text:  Discover his secret to mega hard-ons

Email #3 - The all natural approach for powerful lasting erections
Preview Text - Here’s how it works

Email #4 - Want to feel like you’re in your prime again?

Suppression File URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WzgC9-WEQZE9OC832U5lKsj4TQ-8GA9m/view?usp=sharing

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Offer information last updated on 19th Dec 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
CategoryHealth & Beauty
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