On some offer listings on the Offer Engine you may see a message stating the offer was manually added.
Networks and programs can have manual access to add offer listings from their accounts.
The majority of the time offers are added and kept in sync via APIs to improve data accuracy on the Offer Engine. We check data via a program’s API every 1-2 days. However, some networks don’t have an API or don’t want to go through API integration, this is where they may use our manual listing option.

We show a message stating an offer was manually added so you are aware the offer data could be out of date. We do however also show a message stating the date the offer was last updated. You can use this information to give you a better understanding of how accurate the information might be for this offer.
We go one step further and if the last updated date is more than 90 days in the past we will show a warning message in red to make you aware the offer has not been updated in a while.