Walbi – Android – CPA – Direct MMP Link

Offer ID: 29475

Walbi is a crypto trading app that simplifies access to DeFi by offering a user-friendly interface, advanced trading tools, and AI-driven insights. It supports spot and futures trading, copy trading, and staking, catering to both beginners and experienced traders.

Offer converts and pixel fires when user makes a deposit of at least $10.Video Creatives: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/v69xvic0iwx58h8kqxa4n/AOYeWzuh8nnx7Fu-X2TKmp8?rlkey=pt0wgxnpcf6oxk41mpbo74fta&st=5hfcy4ni&dl=0Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Hard KPI: Install to Signup – min 10%
Soft KPI: Signup to Deposit – min 10%

– Misleading, incentive traffic is not allowed.

– Geos: USA, CA, UK, AU, EU
– VTA: Yes, 24h
– CTA: 7d

Rates (USD):
Africa: BW: 7 | EG: 10.5 | GH: 7 | KE: 7 | MA: 7 | NA: 7 | NG: 7 | ZA: 10.5GCC: UAE: 17.5 | AF: 7 | BH: 17.5 | BN: 3.5 | JO: 21 | KW: 28 | OM: 28 | QA: 28 | SA: 28 | TR: 14Asia: BD: 3.5 | HK: 28 | ID: 14 | IN: 10.5 | KR: 35 | LK: 3.5 | MY: 14 | PH: 10.5 | PK: 10.5 | SG: 31.5 | TH: 7 | TW: 10.5 | VN: 7LATAM: AR: 10.5 | BR: 10.5 | CL: 7 | CO: 4.9 | CR: 10.5 | DO: 10.5 | EC: 4.9 | JM: 3.5 | MX: 14 | PE: 5.6 | SV: 4.9 | UY: 10.5 | VE: 4.9CIS: BY: 7 | GE: 7 | KZ: 7 | RU: 14 | TJ: 7 | UA: 10.5 | UZ: 7

Important Notes:
– Traffic with a CTI rate lower than 0.1% is deemed potentially less acceptable and may be charged back.
– Installs that occur less than 10 seconds after the associated click may be charged back.
– At least 50% of installs must occur within one hour of the click or traffic may be charged back.PID Approval Required.

Offer information last updated on 25th Feb 25.

Offer Details
Countries Accepted
Session Lifespan720 hours
Expiration Date22nd February 2045
PreviewPreview URL
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