Campaignclub – iPhone 15 Pro Max (AU) (CPA) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 50022

Description: Campaignclub – iPhone 15 Pro Max

Requirements: The user gets on to the LP creating a user in the system. Next step – credit card subscription. A user inserts his credit card info, pays 4$ or equal and gets a trial period specified on the registration form

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Push, Display, Social, Email, Native, Pop, Social

Restrictions: No Cashback, No Stolen Credit Cards, No Fraud

Custom Creative Required

Offer Additional Terms

All email affiliates must download and process campaign-specific suppression files before starting any live sends to this campaign. After the initial download/processing of the suppression file, this should be continued on a weekly basis whilst active traffic is being sent to the campaign. Failure to follow these terms will result in penalties and/or suspension from the network.

Mailer Access Key:

Optout Link:


Offer information last updated on 21st Feb 25.

Offer Details
Countries Accepted
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
CategoryShopping & Retail
PreviewPreview URL
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