Nielsen Computer & Mobile Panel (Spanish)

Offer ID: 12464

Description: Your Opinions Count! Join the Nielsen Digital Voice today.
Requirement: Register + Download + First Log
Country(ies): US
Media: Display, Incent, Newsletter, Social (No FB), Text
Restrictions: No Search; No posting of any kind on Facebook.
Other: This version is open to Spanish-speakers only. Open to both Desktop and Mobile. If offering incentives, must inform users to keep the software installed on their computer/mobile for a minimum of 14 days. This way if a good percentage of your members do, you will be able to run this long term.

Offer information last updated on 2nd Dec 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan336 hours
Expiration Date2nd January 2043
CategoryDownloads & Installs, Surveys
PreviewPreview URL
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Panthera Interactive is an online marketing company that specializes in performance-based advertising. They generate high-volume leads for both their advertisers and publishers worldwide.

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