Super Speciosa – Kratom (US) (CPS) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 50626

Description: Our selection of kratom products for sale features popular green, red, and white vein kratom strains that have been carefully tested with your safety in mind. The kratom you find in our online store contains only pure kratom leaf in its natural form and has not been altered in any way

Requirements: Converts on Sale

You need to provide an email proof or a placement before you start running the offer. Conversions without an email proof or a placement will be rejected

Payment Terms: NET15

Allowed Methods of Promotion: 
Display traffic
Email traffic
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Average EPC: $1.74 – $2.57

Offer Additional Terms

Approved From Lines:
Super Speciosa
Super Speciosa Offer
Super Speciosa Kratom
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Kratom Today
Medjournal News
Active Life Journal
Natural News
Kratom News

Approved Subject Lines:
Eat Your Greens
Super Speciosa Kratom is Here!
Pure kratom products - Buy now!
Why you need to try these Kratom products...
All Natural Kratom  
People can’t stop raving about these
The perfect strain doesn’t exist  
Your PERFECT Kratom Strain INSIDE
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Offer information last updated on 28th May 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
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CategoryShopping & Retail
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