US – The Hustle – CPL

Offer ID: 2147

Conversion pixel is triggered on a unique registration which would be a paid CPL
conversion. Inflecto will be optimizing towards post-registration actions and
-As a benchmark, looking for unique
open rates of +30%
DocuSign Envelope ID: A0FB1900-5464-410F-8921-87A240ED6B11
Conversion pixel is triggered on a unique registration which would be a paid CPL
conversion. Inflecto will be optimizing towards post-registration actions and
– Inflecto will be leveraging PMP,
email database and mobile display
partners for the campaign
– All email previews will be sent to
advertiser for approval before send.

Offer information last updated on 11th Nov 24.

Offer Details
Countries Accepted
Session LifespanUnknown
Expiration Date
PreviewPreview URL
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