FlightHub.com – Flight Booking – CPA – CA

Offer ID: 25630

Cheap Flights is what FlightHub.com is all about. Save big on airfare, airline tickets and hotels. A great way to get cheap deals. At FlightHub, we combine thousands of flight options in order to find you the cheapest possible combination—All thanks to our proprietary technology!
Offer will convert on completed flight booking.
Payout is $7.00 for Domestic Bookings.
Payout is $7.70 for International Bookings.
Restrictions: No adult. No sites containing political content.KPI: Cancellation rate of 7% or less. Publishers with overall monthly cancellation rate above 7% may be charged back.

Promoting on advertise.com is not allowed.

Offer Additional Terms

Click Injection - installs coming within 10 seconds or less from the time of the click may be charged back
Click Spamming – publishers with less than 50 percent of installs occurring within the first hour after click may have installs charged back
OS Version – publishers with unexpected rates of installs from old operating systems may have leads charged back
Anonymous IP – publishers with high rates of installs from anonymous IP addresses may have leads charged back
No adult. No sites that contain political content.

Offer information last updated on 11th Nov 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedCanada
Session Lifespan672 hours
Expiration Date28th May 2039
CategoryTravel and Leisure
PreviewPreview URL
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